Tag Archives: women

Men, Women, and Weight

leonardo dicaprioThere was a story in the New York Times, What’s the Skinny on the Heftier Stars, about the expanding waist lines of male stars like Russel Crowe, Denzel Washington and Leonardo DiCaprio. On the one hand, I was kind of glad to see that men are coming in for the same treatment that women have put up with forever. (Misery, and five extra pounds, loves company.) But here’s the thing: These men still get the (younger, thinner) girl nine times out of ten, no matter how many extra chins they are carting around. And the criticism of the men’s newfound heft had a mild, wink and nod tone.

But when women do it, well isn’t that quite a different story >

Why Are We Having Brunch?

After I finished writing my latest book, I was trying to figure out what to do next. You live pretty intensely with these characters and themes – and then you wake up one day and they are off on their own. I am really happy with the way Best Intentions turned out, but as those of you in book making know, there’s a whole lot of time between delivering the manuscript and the publish date.  I was struggling with something that would keep me involved and honestly, I still felt there were issues to explore. I also wanted to introduce people to the characters, these wonderful, complicated lives that reflect so much of what we’re all going through now. So, then it hit me, how about a blog! And not just any old author blog, (though there will be some shameless self-promotion I guarantee).

How about a blog that builds on one of the most central and important relationships in the book?…